


Allamanda Facts A woody, evergreen shrub with vigorous growth, Allamanda may reach a free-standing height of 2 metres or more. The leathery leaves are lancelike, pointed, and may either be opposite or in whorls of three or four. The yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers are 5-7.5 centimetres in diameter; cultivated forms tend …


Dahlia Facts Dahlias are of the mountainous regions of Mexico and, although they grow in a warm country, they are actually temperate plants requiring cooler conditions. The dahlia is named after Swedish 18th-century botanist Anders Dahl. The dahlia is the official flower of the city of Seattle. The dahlia originated …


Daisy Facts A daisy flower catches the attention of all passers-by with its gorgeousness. Daisies are part of one of the world’s largest family of flowering plants and a daisy is actually a combination of several flowers coming together to form a united bunch of flowers. This dense arrangement of …


Jasmine Facts Jasmine ia a very popular flower around the world, especially in tropics because of its unique fragrance. The Jasmine is native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the old world. Jasmine flowers are white in most species, with some species being yellow flowered. Jasmine is believed to …


Lily Facts A lily flower belongs to the family of Lilium genus. They are essentially summer flowers and beautify your garden with their bright hues. They come in all size and fill up your garden like no other flower can do. Basic quality of a true lilies is that it …


Lotus Facts Both Hindus and Buddhists regard it as a sacred symbol and use it not only in offerings but also in countless art forms. The Lotus is native to Asia and flourishes in a wide range of climates from India to China. Unlike other members of water lily family, …


Rose Facts Rose has flower always enjoyed the honor of being the most popular flowers in the world. The reason for popularity of roses  may be their wide variety in terms of color, size, fragrance and other attributes.  The Rose is most popularly known as the flower of love, particularly …


Sunflower Facts Sunflowers make up the genus Helianthus. In Greek helios means sun and anthos means flower, thus Sunflower. The large, solitary Sunflower blossom, sometimes as large as a meter in diameter, is composed of yellow ray flowers and a central disk.n The Central disk is composed of either yellow, …


Tulip Facts Tulip is one of the most popular spring flowers of all time, and the third most popular flowers world-wide next only to the Rose and Chrysanthemum. Tulips come in an incredible variety of colors, heights, and flower shapes. Some Tulips are even fragrant. There are now over 3,000 different registered …


Zinnia Facts Zinnia flowering heads are composed of two types of flower: disk flowers in the center with yellow corolla lobes in this species, and; ray flowers, which in this species comprise the pinkish outside “petals.”  Zinnia is a genus of the annual and perennial plants of the family Asteraceae. …

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