
Cheetah Facts The word “Cheetah” is derived from the Hindi word “Chita” meaning “spotted one”. It is known as the fastest mammal on Earth. It has long legs, a tall, slim build and its colors are tawny, black-spotted fur. The cheetah’s spots help to camouflage it in its environment. Unlike the other cats it has … Read more


Goat Facts Goats were one of the first animals to be tamed by humans.  They are a member of the cattle family and are believed to be descended from the wild goat, bezoar.  Most goats can be found in Asia and the Mid-East. Goats do not have teeth in their upper front jaw. Normally goats have … Read more


Chimpanzee Facts Chimpanzee belongs to the genus pan with the family of Hominidae and is sometimes also referred to as chimp.  It is widely believed that chimps were split from humans some 4 – 6 million years ago.  The arms of chimpanzees are longer as compared to its legs. The chimpanzees have no tail.  Like humans, … Read more

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