
Monkey Facts Monkey is one of the most recognized animals in the world. They are often long-tailed, medium-sized. They never catch cold. They never eat a banana as it is, rather they peel it first and throw away the peel. A Monkey expresses affection and make peace with others by grooming each other. A group … Read more


Lion Facts The lion is the second biggest cat in the world. The Lion is described as a large, carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera leo). Lions have a short tawny coat, and a tufted tail, and male lions have a heavy mane around the head and neck. Lions are native to Africa and Northwest India. The … Read more


Horse Facts Horses belong to the equus family. Equus comes from the ancient Greek word meaning quickness. Horses are mammals in the same family as zebras, mules and donkeys.  A Baby Horse is Called a Foal. Generally, a foal is a baby horse. After it is weaned from its dam, it is called a weanling. … Read more

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