Bedtime Stories


The Symphony of the Stars – Interesting Story

Discovery of the Symphony of the Stars Nora listened to the celestial symphony and felt a sense of peace and wonder that she had never experienced before. The more she listened, the more she felt inspired to share the stars’ enchanting music with others. She ran back to the village …

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed engaging short story for small kids. This bedtime story will help learn good habits in life.

Little Christmas Baker

Little Christmas Baker

Enjoy reading the Little Christmas Baker story for small kids, How little Jack becomes Christmas Baker, and got Gifts from Santa Clause.


Ant and the Grasshopper – Beautiful Bedtime Story

Ant and the Grasshopper On a warm summer day a grasshopper laughed at an ant who was busy gathering and storing away food for the winter. The ant told the grasshopper to do the same but it scoffed at the ant. Grasshopper did not pay attention to what Ant said and didn’t bother about storing … Read more


The Bee and the Bull

The Bee and The Bull There once lived a bee who was rather conceited. She was quite fussy too. One day, after a long fight, she decided to stop and rest. The place she choose was the horn of a bull that was grazing in a nearby field. Swooping down, she landed on the bull’s … Read more


Little Girl and the Kingfisher

Little Girl and the Kingfisher Once upon a time there was a little girl called ‘Tanya’. She was 7 years old. She used to remain sad because she had no friends. She felt very alone and bored. One fine day, a bird came to Tanya’s house through the window. It was a kingfisher bird.  Tanya found … Read more


Grapes are sour

Grapes are Sour is a small story about Fox and its greed for grapes. Read it and enjoy it. Once upon a time, there was a fox who was different from its kind. While all other foxes craved a leg of mutton, this fox would do anything for a bunch of grapes.  As it … Read more

The Clever Monkeys

Two monkeys called Jittu and Nikki were good friends. They loved to play together on a hillside. One day, as they were playing, a wicked wolf came along. The monkeys quickly hid on top of the hill. ‘I must somehow trick these two into coming down,’ the cunning wolf thought. …

Recipe for a Successful Student Life

Recipe for a Successful Student Life To Learn the recipe for successful student life is very simple. Just follow the following steps. Take 750 grams of knowledge and 500 grams of hard work. In a mixer, churn them well. Now to this preparation, add about 450 grams of sincerity, 300 grams of dedication, and huge chunks … Read more

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