Grapes are sour

Grapes are Sour is a small story about Fox and its greed for grapes. Read it and enjoy it. Once upon a time, there was a fox who was different from its kind. While all other foxes craved a leg of mutton, this fox would do anything for a bunch of grapes.  As it … Read more

The Clever Monkeys

Two monkeys called Jittu and Nikki were good friends. They loved to play together on a hillside. One day, as they were playing, a wicked wolf came along. The monkeys quickly hid on top of the hill. ‘I must somehow trick these two into coming down,’ the cunning wolf thought. He yelled loudly, “Okay, I … Read more

Recipe for a Successful Student Life

Recipe for a Successful Student Life To Learn the recipe for successful student life is very simple. Just follow the following steps. Take 750 grams of knowledge and 500 grams of hard work. In a mixer, churn them well. Now to this preparation, add about 450 grams of sincerity, 300 grams of dedication, and huge chunks … Read more

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