
Jasmine Facts Jasmine ia a very popular flower around the world, especially in tropics because of its unique fragrance. The Jasmine is native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the old world. Jasmine flowers are white in most species, with some species being yellow flowered. Jasmine is believed to have originated in the Himalayas … Read more


Lily Facts A lily flower belongs to the family of Lilium genus. They are essentially summer flowers and beautify your garden with their bright hues. They come in all size and fill up your garden like no other flower can do. Basic quality of a true lilies is that it adapts to almost all garden … Read more


Lotus Facts Both Hindus and Buddhists regard it as a sacred symbol and use it not only in offerings but also in countless art forms. The Lotus is native to Asia and flourishes in a wide range of climates from India to China. Unlike other members of water lily family, its large pink or white petaled flowers … Read more

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