Fairy Tales

the queen bee

Experience the Wonder of ‘The Queen Bee’: A Captivating Story for Children

The Queen Bee helps simpleton in completing his task. Read the engrossing fairy tale story.


Experience the Magic of ‘Cinderella’: A Beloved Fairytale

Famous Fairytale Story for small Small Kids. Read how Cinderella miseries turns into happiness when she meets her Prince with the help of Fairy.


Thumbelina Fairy Tale Story

Fairy Tale – Thumbelina On the shore she was seen by a beetle. The beetle caught and took her to his home in a large tree. Thumbelina was frightened to see the ugly beetle. Suddenly, then there came a large mouse. Thumbelina nursed her wound carefully. Within some days the …


Timmy The Elf

Fairy Tale – Timmy The Elf Timmy the elf, who lived in a wonderful world. He had, for company, his little friends and the woodland animals. His house was a beautiful toadstool in which he was happy and contended. Early in the morning, he did his household chores-sweeping, dusting and …


Rabbit and the Tortoise

Rabbit and the Tortoise – Motivational Story One day Rabbit said to the Tortoise, “What a slow and heavy creature you are! I am sure I can defeat you in a race.”  “I am slow and heavy, it is true, and yet I will run a race with you,” replied …


Ant and the Grasshopper – Beautiful Bedtime Story

Ant and the Grasshopper On a warm summer day a grasshopper laughed at an ant who was busy gathering and storing away food for the winter. The ant told the grasshopper to do the same but it scoffed at the ant. Grasshopper did not pay attention to what Ant said and didn’t bother about storing … Read more


The Bee and the Bull

The Bee and The Bull There once lived a bee who was rather conceited. She was quite fussy too. One day, after a long fight, she decided to stop and rest. The place she choose was the horn of a bull that was grazing in a nearby field. Swooping down, she landed on the bull’s … Read more

Four Fools

Four Fools Once Akbar asked Birbal to bring him four of the world’s worst possible four fools. So the following morning, Birbal began looking for the four fools. The first fool he saw was a Brahmin. This Brahmin was running very fast carrying a plate of betel nuts, rice, and a few other things. When the … Read more

Birbal Identified the Guest

Birbal Identified the Guest Once Birbal was invited for supper by a rich man. The rich man had heard of Birbal’s intelligence and he wanted to see if Birbal was indeed as clever as people thought him to be. When Birbal reached the rich man’s home, he saw a huge gathering of people. Birbal greeted … Read more

Birbal Caught the Thief

Birbal Caught The Thief Birbal’s wisdom was known for a wide in the city of Agra. Often people would come to him with their problems. One day, a rich merchant paid a visit to Birbal. His house had been robbed, and he suspected that one of his servants had committed the robbery. So, the merchant … Read more

Birbal’s Journey To Heaven

Birbal was very wise and witty, and Emperor Akbar’s favorite. This made the other courtiers jealous of him, and they were always trying to find ways to make him look foolish. One Day the court barber, who was very jealous of Birbal, plotted a plan against him. Akbar called him …

Magic Angel

Fairy Tale – Magic Angel William and Sissy were walking home from school when Sissy saw something duck behind a tree up ahead. “What’s that?” she asked, pointing at the tree. “That’s a tree silly,” said William. “No, I mean behind the tree. I saw something duck behind the tree. …

The Prince of The Super Heroes

The Prince Of The Super Heroes Marietta was a second grader and a whole six inches taller than Danica. She was also broader at the shoulders and the hips and weighed about twenty-five pounds more than Danica. She had been mean to Danica since the first day of school. When …

Little Girl and the Kingfisher

Little Girl and the Kingfisher Once upon a time there was a little girl called ‘Tanya’. She was 7 years old. She used to remain sad because she had no friends. She felt very alone and bored. One fine day, a bird came to Tanya’s house through the window. It was a kingfisher bird.  Tanya found … Read more

Grapes are sour

Grapes are Sour is a small story about Fox and its greed for grapes. Read it and enjoy it. Once upon a time, there was a fox who was different from its kind. While all other foxes craved a leg of mutton, this fox would do anything for a bunch of grapes.  As it … Read more

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