Panchatantra Stories Panchatantra Stories The Panchatantra stories written thousands of years ago inculcate moral values in children in a subtle and fun manner. Enjoy these moral stories from Panchatantra. The Fox and the Crow The Fox and the Crow story from Panchatantra. Fox takes cheese from Crow cleverly in this short moral story. Unity is Strength Unity is a strong Moral story for little kids. The Monkey and the wedge The Monkey and the Wedge story for little kids. Moral story for small children. The foolish cats The foolish cats and the Intelligent Monkey. Read interesting Panchatantra stories for kids. The Brahmin With The Goat Read an interesting Panchatantra story for kids – The Brahmin With The Goat The clever farmer Read the short moral story from Panchatantra – The Clever farmer The Scholars and the Lion Enjoy reading the Scholars and the Lion Panchatantra moral story for kids. The Greedy Dog The greedy dog Panchatantra short moral story for little kids. Kids will enjoy reading this story.