Moral Stories

Read all kinds of moral stories to motivate your kids to learn life lessons in an entertaining way and implement these moral values in their day-to-day life. Kids will enjoy reading these stories.


The Mysterious Seed of Generosity

Mysterious Seed Once upon a time in the quaint village of Bloomsville, a young girl named Ella found a peculiar seed. It was unlike any seed she had ever seen, with a shiny, golden hue and intricate patterns etched into its surface. Ella was excited about her discovery and decided to plant the seed in…

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Little Sambo and The Tigers

A captivating story of Little Sambo and The Tigers. Read how little Sambo saved his life from four tigers by using his mind cleverly.

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Rabbit and the Tortoise

Rabbit and the Tortoise – Motivational Story One day Rabbit said to the Tortoise, “What a slow and heavy creature you are! I am sure I can defeat you in a race.”  “I am slow and heavy, it is true, and yet I will run a race with you,” replied the tortoise. Some other animals…

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Mittoo and Lottoo Learn To Share

Mittoo and Lottoo were two puppies who were very close friends. One day, they went out together to look for some food.  “Wow, there’s a slice of bread,” Mittoo said. Lottoo leapt forward and grabbed it immediately. “Now, I saw it first! It is mine!” Mittoo protested angrily. “But I got it first! So it…

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Tricked by Laughter

Tricked by Laughter: A Heartwarming Morale Story for Kids One day, Tiggy Tiger caught a baby fox. He carried him off to his cave in his mouth. On the way, Tiggy met father fox. He was surprised to see that the fox was laughing aloud. “Hee! Hee!” “How strange that the father fox should laugh…

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A Trunk For Baby Fox

A Trunk For Baby Fox – Inspirational Story One day, Baby fox saw an elephant for the first time. He thought, “I wish I had a long trunk too!” He picked a long vine from a tree and tied it to his nose. Now he had trunk just like a elephant! Suddenly, there was the…

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Tit For Tat

Moral Story – Tit For Tat Tit for Tat is a story about Tottu the wily fox and Bily the Cat. Tottu was fishing in the river on a hot sunny day. Just then, Billy Cat came along, holding an umbrella. “Ouch! It’s really hot today!” said Tottu. “Will you hold the umbrella over my…

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Frogs Want a Ruler

Moral Story – Frog Want a Ruler A long time ago there lived some frogs in a pond. All the time they argued with each other and so they wanted a ruler who would end their disputes. The Gods sent them a ruler in the form of a log. It splashed into the water and…

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Clever Deer

Moral Story – Clever Deer Once upon a time, there was a river that flowed through a deep forest. On one bank of the river, there lived a handsome and clever deer. In the river, there lived a wicked crocodile. From the day the crocodile had seen the deer he wanted to catch him. One…

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Honest Woodcutter

Honest Woodcutter – Inspirational Story As he stood by the river, feeling very sad and not knowing what to do, a fairy appeared. She stood in the river holding out a golden axe to him. “Perhaps this your axe. I found it in the river,” she said. “That’s not mine,” said the woodcutter. The fairy…

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The Discontented Dog

Moral Story – The Discontented Dog A dog had just finished its lunch and was lazing in the garden when it saw a cat on top of a high wall, “It must feel so nice to be high above the ground. If only I could climb!” it thought. This feeling of envy made it so…

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