Little Sambo and The Tigers – Motivational Story

The story of Little Sambo and The Tigers starts from a small village where a small boy was living with his mother called Big Mumbo and his father called Big Jumbo.
Big Mumbo made a beautiful red coat and a pair of blue trousers for Little Sambo. Big Jumbo went to the Bazaar. He bought a beautiful green shirt and a pair of purple shoes for little Sambo. Little Sambo wore his fine clothes and went for a walk in the Jungle.

There he met a tiger. Tiger said to him, “Little Sambo, I am going to eat you up.” Little Sambo said, “Oh, please, Mr. Tiger, don’t eat me up. I will give you my red coat.” Tiger said, “Very well, I will not eat you.”
Little Sambo gave his red coat to Tiger. Tiger took the coat and went away. Little Sambo went on. He met another tiger. This Tiger also said, “Little Sambo, I’am going to eat you up.” Little Sambo said, “Oh, please, Mr. Tiger, don’t eat me up. I will give you my blue trousers.” The second Tiger took the trousers and went away.
Little Sambo went on. He met another Tiger. The third Tiger said to him, “Little Sambo, I am going to eat you up.” Little Sambo said, “Oh, please, Mr. Tiger, don’t eat me up. I will give you my purple shoes.” The third tiger decided to wear the pair of shoes on his ears. He then went away.
Further on, Little Sambo met another Tiger. The fourth Tiger said, “Little Sambo, I am going to eat you up.” Little Sambo said, “Oh, please, Mr. Tiger, don’t eat me up. I will give you my green shirt. The tiger took the shirt and went away.
Little Sambo now began to cry. He did not have anything on him. Soon he heard a fight. Little Sambo climbed up a tree. He heard the four tigers fighting with one another. The coat, trousers,shirt and shoes were kept in one corner. Little Sambo quickly got down from the tree. He wore his clothes and ran back home.
That’s how, Little Sambo saved his life from Tigers, by using his mind cleverly.
Morale of the Little Sambo and the Tigers: Never loose hope in difficult situations. Face them bravely.
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