Mittoo and Lottoo Learn To Share


mittoo and lottoo

Mittoo and Lottoo were two puppies who were very close friends. One day, they went out together to look for some food.  “Wow, there’s a slice of bread,” Mittoo said. Lottoo leapt forward and grabbed it immediately.

“Now, I saw it first! It is mine!” Mittoo protested angrily. “But I got it first! So it is mine!” said Lottoo.

Soon a great fight broke out between them. The slice of bread was torn to shreds. Mittoo and Lottoo walked on, saying,” How sad, nobody got the bread after all!”

Soon they came across a packet of biscuits on the ground. Mittoo said,” Lottoo, take as many as you want!”

The two friends shared the biscuits and there was enough for both of them.

A big dog came by and said,” This is how true friends should behave! Here take this cake as well!”

Mittoo and Lottoo ate to their fill and then went off happily to play.  That’s how Mittoo and Lotto learn to share.

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