Grapes are sour



Grapes are sour is a small story about Fox and its greed for grapes. Read it and enjoy it.

Once upon a time there was a fox who was different from its kind. While all other foxes craved for a leg of mutton, this fox would do anything for a bunch of grapes.  

As it walked along, it came across a delicious looking cluster hanging from a vine. But it hung on wall, just a little beyond its reach.

It stood licking its lips and gazing longingly at the grapes, wondering how to get them. Then it started jumping towards them.

Soon the fox started getting agitated. It jumped and jumped, each time a bit higher.

A hare passing by cheered it on. But all that encouragement could not help it reach the grapes.

“Forget them,” it said, “I am sure that Grapes are sour !” And swallowing its disappointment, it went its way.

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