

Rabbit Facts Rabbits a affectionate social animal which enjoy the company of other rabbits. Rabbits perform allogrooming where two individuals will simultaneously groom each other.  Rabbits stand upright on their hind legs to give themselves a better vantage point to look for predators. They alert other rabbits to the presence …



Pigeon Facts Pigeon lives in both woodland and wetland habitats. Kingfishers that live near water hunt small fish by diving. Pigeons are domestic, stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy beaks. They live in nests and the nests are made of sticks. Both sexes incubate …


Donkey Donkey Facts Donkeys are related to horses and zebras. They are all members of the family ‘equus’, i.e. they are equines. The donkey is a descendant of the African wild ass, which is now rare in the wild and found in only a few remote parts of north-eastern Africa. …


Cheetah Facts The word “Cheetah” is derived from the Hindi word “Chita” meaning “spotted one”. It is known as the fastest mammal on Earth. It has long legs, a tall, slim build and its colors are tawny, black-spotted fur. The cheetah’s spots help to camouflage it in its environment. Unlike …


Goat Facts Goats were one of the first animals to be tamed by humans.  They are a member of the cattle family and are believed to be descended from the wild goat, bezoar.  Most goats can be found in Asia and the Mid-East. Goats do not have teeth in their upper …


Chimpanzee Facts Chimpanzee belongs to the genus pan with the family of Hominidae and is sometimes also referred to as chimp.  It is widely believed that chimps were split from humans some 4 – 6 million years ago.  The arms of chimpanzees are longer as compared to its legs. The chimpanzees …



Brinjal Facts The leaves of the Eggplant or Brinjal are poisonous, but the fruit is tasty. Its scientific name is Solanum melongena, but it’s most widely known as eggplant or aubergine. Brinjal is used like a vegetable but classified as a fruit. The  raw fruit can have a somewhat bitter …

Camel Outline Picture


Camel Facts Camel is also known as Ship of Desert. They do not store water in their humps! They store fat in their humps. Camels do not chew the food and swallow it instead. They regurgitate and chew the cud later.  They shed their coat each year. They can live …


Wolf Facts Wolf is a highly intelligent animal with upright ears, sharp, pointed muzzles and sharp eyes. Wolves have ruffs of long hair framing the sides of their faces similar to sideburns. The name of a female one is referred to as a bitch. The name or offspring, or a …


Monkey Facts Monkey is one of the most recognized animals in the world. They are often long-tailed, medium-sized. They never catch cold. They never eat a banana as it is, rather they peel it first and throw away the peel. A Monkey expresses affection and make peace with others by …


Lion Facts The lion is the second biggest cat in the world. The Lion is described as a large, carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera leo). Lions have a short tawny coat, and a tufted tail, and male lions have a heavy mane around the head and neck. Lions are native to …


Horse Facts Horses belong to the equus family. Equus comes from the ancient Greek word meaning quickness. Horses are mammals in the same family as zebras, mules and donkeys.  A Baby Horse is Called a Foal. Generally, a foal is a baby horse. After it is weaned from its dam, …


Elephant Facts The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall. That’s more than twice as tall as many human adults. They have tusks—long teeth made of ivory—that help them get food and carry heavy objects. Elephants eat grass, …



KINGFISHER Kingfisher Facts Kingfisher lives in both woodland and wetland habitats. Kingfishers that live near water hunt small fish by diving. They also eat crayfish, frogs, and insects. Wood kingfishers eat reptiles.  Kingfishers of all three families beat their prey to death, either by whipping it against a tree or …



Ostrich Facts The ostrich is typical of a group of flightless birds called ratites. Ostrich populations differing slightly in skin color, size, and egg features formerly were considered separate species. Ostriches are seen individually, in pairs, in small flocks, or in large aggregations, depending on the season.  These are the …