
Elephant Facts The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall. That’s more than twice as tall as many human adults. They have tusks—long teeth made of ivory—that help them get food and carry heavy objects. Elephants eat grass, small branches, and bark from … Read more


KINGFISHER Kingfisher Facts Kingfisher lives in both woodland and wetland habitats. Kingfishers that live near water hunt small fish by diving. They also eat crayfish, frogs, and insects. Wood kingfishers eat reptiles.  Kingfishers of all three families beat their prey to death, either by whipping it against a tree or by dropping it on a … Read more


Ostrich Facts The ostrich is typical of a group of flightless birds called ratites. Ostrich populations differing slightly in skin color, size, and egg features formerly were considered separate species. Ostriches are seen individually, in pairs, in small flocks, or in large aggregations, depending on the season.  These are the largest living birds in the … Read more