Count 1-2-3 Poem for kids

Count 1-2-3 Rabbits, rabbits 1, 2, 3 Will you come and play with me ? Camels, camels 4, 5, 6 Why do you have a hump like this ? Monkeys, monkeys 7, 8, 9 Will you teach me how to climb ? When you have counted up to 10 The elephants say no start again … Read more


Pigeon Facts Pigeon lives in both woodland and wetland habitats. Kingfishers that live near water hunt small fish by diving. Pigeons are domestic, stout-bodied birds with short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy beaks. They live in nests and the nests are made of sticks. Both sexes incubate their eggs in their nest. … Read more


Donkey Donkey Facts Donkeys are related to horses and zebras. They are all members of the family ‘equus’, i.e. they are equines. The donkey is a descendant of the African wild ass, which is now rare in the wild and found in only a few remote parts of north-eastern Africa. Donkeys often live for twenty-five … Read more


Cheetah Facts The word “Cheetah” is derived from the Hindi word “Chita” meaning “spotted one”. It is known as the fastest mammal on Earth. It has long legs, a tall, slim build and its colors are tawny, black-spotted fur. The cheetah’s spots help to camouflage it in its environment. Unlike the other cats it has … Read more


Goat Facts Goats were one of the first animals to be tamed by humans.  They are a member of the cattle family and are believed to be descended from the wild goat, bezoar.  Most goats can be found in Asia and the Mid-East. Goats do not have teeth in their upper front jaw. Normally goats have … Read more


Chimpanzee Facts Chimpanzee belongs to the genus pan with the family of Hominidae and is sometimes also referred to as chimp.  It is widely believed that chimps were split from humans some 4 – 6 million years ago.  The arms of chimpanzees are longer as compared to its legs. The chimpanzees have no tail.  Like humans, … Read more

Grapes are sour

Grapes are Sour is a small story about Fox and its greed for grapes. Read it and enjoy it. Once upon a time, there was a fox who was different from its kind. While all other foxes craved a leg of mutton, this fox would do anything for a bunch of grapes.  As it … Read more


Brinjal Facts The leaves of the Eggplant or Brinjal are poisonous, but the fruit is tasty. Its scientific name is Solanum melongena, but it’s most widely known as eggplant or aubergine. Brinjal is used like a vegetable but classified as a fruit. The  raw fruit can have a somewhat bitter taste, but becomes tender when … Read more

The Clever Monkeys

Two monkeys called Jittu and Nikki were good friends. They loved to play together on a hillside. One day, as they were playing, a wicked wolf came along. The monkeys quickly hid on top of the hill. ‘I must somehow trick these two into coming down,’ the cunning wolf thought. He yelled loudly, “Okay, I … Read more

Earth Day

Save, save, save the earth, Take a Pledge this Earth Day which is very bright. Do it at once because it is very right. It gives nectar to honeybees, And trees to monkeys. We have to save the earth from pollution, and keep it away from destruction. Let the earth be blue, And not let … Read more

My Birthday

Each year on my birthday My people gift me toys. And my mother gives a party For all the girls and boys. My birthday cake with candles and icing pink and white with chocolates all around it makes a pretty sight. More Poems like My Birthday: Chocolates, Keep your City Clean, and Piggie on the Railways … Read more

Who Am I

Interesting Riddles for small kids. In this series Who Am I, riddles are given below. Just solve them and have fun. Answers to these riddles are also given below.   1.   I look like a ball sometimes, I may fall!        children like turning me around,        countries … Read more

I love the sun

I love the sun that shines on me, God made the sun and god made me. I love the moon that blinks at me, God made the moon and god made me. I love the stars that twinkle at me, God made the stars and god made me. I love the flowers that smile at me, God made the … Read more


   It is Passport of friendship and lovely life, It can only be expressed not written in a file. Smile comes from the heart, It keeps us always relaxed and smart, A smile enriches our lives and our surroundings. Smile has no colour or odour and it brings the world closer, Smile is good for … Read more

Elephant Elephant

Elephant elephant so big so fat. He walks like this and he walks like that, He has no fingers, He has no toes. But! Oh my my, what a long nose! More Poems like Elephant Elephant : Chocolates, Keep your City Clean, Piggie on the Railways line, How Beautiful the World Is