
Horse Facts Horses belong to the equus family. Equus comes from the ancient Greek word meaning quickness. Horses are mammals in the same family as zebras, mules and donkeys.  A Baby Horse is Called a Foal. Generally, a foal is a baby horse. After it is weaned from its dam, it is called a weanling. … Read more


Elephant Facts The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall. That’s more than twice as tall as many human adults. They have tusks—long teeth made of ivory—that help them get food and carry heavy objects. Elephants eat grass, small branches, and bark from … Read more


Walrus Facts Walruses are pinnipeds. Pinni means wing or fin and pedismeans foot. Seals and sea lions are also pinnipeds. Walruses are the largest pinnipeds in the Arctic and Subarctic areas. They like to live in shallow water by ice floes or land. Their habitat is the entire polar basin. There are two types of … Read more