
Woodpecker Facts Woodpecker received its moniker as a result of the species’ habit of pecking on trees with their beaks. They actually use their beaks to create holes for nesting, to locate insect larvae found under the bark, and to mark their territory from their rivals. Woodpecker has pointed beaks that are straight and very … Read more


Bulbul Facts Bulbul, common name for members of a large family of Eurasian songbirds.  Bulbuls are short-necked slender passerines. The tails are long and the wings short and rounded. In almost all species the bill is slightly elongated and slightly hooked at the end. They vary in length from 13 cm for the Tiny Greenbul … Read more


Flamingo Facts Flamingo Large pink and red wading bird, related to and similar to the heron, a stork, and spoonbill but with a longer neck, its feet are webbed, and a unique down bent bill. Flamingos live in a tropical climate, although at times colonies have been observed high in the Andes. The American flamingo … Read more