
SwordFish Facts They are a popular sport fish of the billfish category, though elusive. Swordfish is elongated, round-bodied, and lose all teeth and scales by adulthood. Swordfish are quite large. The biggest specimen ever caught weighed 1190 pounds and was over 14 feet long, measured from the tip of its sword to the tip of … Read more


GoldFish Facts Goldfish is one of the most beautiful and versatile species of fish. It is the most attractive creature in an aquarium. It makes the surrounding pleasant and lively due to its attractive appearance and dynamic movements. It originally came from China  Goldfishes can live for many years. The average lifespan of goldfish is … Read more


Sealion Facts Sealion is a marine mammals that have long torpedo shaped bodies covered in short coarse hair. Sea lions may be bulky and overweight, less flattering and attractive and relatively unknown to the masses, but they form an essential link in the food chain of our ecosystem. Sealion is oddly designed. They look rather inelegant … Read more