Timmy The Elf


Fairy Tale – Timmy The Elf


Timmy the elf, who lived in a wonderful world. He had, for company, his little friends and the woodland animals. His house was a beautiful toadstool in which he was happy and contended.

Early in the morning, he did his household chores-sweeping, dusting and washing his clothes. He always had plenty of helpers around him. 

‘What a loverly day it is!’ said Timmy, “Today I shall get all the washing dry.”

In his spare time, he amused himself playing with the animals in the wood as he was so tiny that he could play all kind of games. “Look! how Timmy is amusing himself,” cried two little mice.

But Timmy the elf did not like at all being so small. One day, he went to see a wizard. He said to him, “Sir, make me very tall so that I may rise to a greater height.”

The wizard gave him magic drink. It was a syrup made from mysterious herbs. Having drunk it, Timmy started to grow and grow. “Wow !” cried Timmy, very contented, ‘It has done a miracle. I have become a giant’.

His wish had come trough. He was in high spirit. To his utter sorrow, he could not get into his little house. All his little friends were frightened of him. They hid when they saw how big he was. ‘Oh my god! Being a giant is not as nice as I thought. Now, I cannot get into my little house,’ said Timmy. Tears began to trickle down his cheeks.

A very disappointed Timmy went back to see the wizard again and said to him, “Please turn me back to my original size. I have become so enormous that I have nowhere to live and my friends do not want to play with me.”

The wizard observed, “You wished to be something you were not. We all are the creations of God. So, do not feel bad if you are an elf.” The wizard took pity on Timmy and returned him to his normal size.

A very contented Timmy was now able to go back and play with his little friends. He was now same old Timmy the Elf. Since that day onwards he never entertained such an ambition again.

“What fun it is to have a ride on the back of a tortoise!” said Timmy the elf was elated once again.

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