
Parrot Facts Parrot, common name applied to any of about 340 species of brightly colored birds that make up the parrot family. Most parrots are tropical, with only a few species reaching northern and southern temperate areas. The areas of greatest diversity include South America, Australia, and New Guinea and adjacent islands. Relatively few species … Read more


Sheep Facts The sheep should not be confused with the goat. Sheep are different in many ways. Visual differences between sheep and goats include the beard and divided upper lip unique to goats  Sheep has got thick coat of fleece on its body.  It is in available in wide variations of colors. Wild sheep are largely variations of … Read more


  Tiger Facts Tiger is the member of cat family, with the Amur (Siberian) tiger weighing as much as 360 kg. Although it is found in a variety of habitats, tigers always requires dense vegetative cover, an adequate supply of large ungulate prey, and access to a reliable source of water.   Tigers are renowned … Read more