Cheetah Outline Picture



A cheetah outline picture is a simple drawing with clear lines. Kids can color this image and have fun. A cheetah outline image helps in learning about the fast cheetah. This picture is easy to use and great for kids who love animals and coloring.

Cheetah Facts

The word “Cheetah” is derived from the Hindi word “Chita,” meaning “spotted one.” It is known as the fastest mammal on Earth. It has long legs, a tall, slim build, and its colors are tawny, black-spotted fur. The cheetah’s spots help to camouflage it in its environment. Unlike the other cats, it has non-retractile claws. 

Some cheetahs have a rare fur pattern mutation of more significant, blotchy, merged spots. Known as “king cheetahs,” they were once thought to constitute a separate subspecies but are African cheetahs; their unusual fur pattern is the result of a single recessive gene.

The name of a male is referred to simply as a cheetah. The name of a female is referred to as a she-cheetah. The name of the offspring, or baby Cheetahs, is a cub. This animal is often mistaken for leopards.

Let’s learn the top 10 fun cheetah fun facts besides the cheetah outline picture.

Top 10 Cheetah Fun Facts
Top 10 Cheetah Fun Facts
🐆 Cheetahs are the FastestCheetahs can run up to 70 miles per hour, faster than a car on a city street.
👀 Cheetahs Have Amazing EyesTheir eyes have special black tear marks that help them see clearly in bright sunlight.
🐾 Cheetahs Have Non-Retractable ClawsUnlike other big cats, cheetahs keep their claws out all the time for better grip while running.
🦴 Cheetahs Have Lightweight BodiesThey have small bones and long legs, making them perfect for speed.
🗣️ Cheetahs ChirpInstead of roaring like lions, cheetahs make chirping sounds to communicate.
🖤 Cheetahs Have Unique SpotsEvery cheetah has different spots, just like humans have unique fingerprints.
👶 Cheetah Cubs Have MohawksBaby cheetahs have long fur on their backs, which helps them blend into the grass.
🌍 Cheetahs Love Open SpacesThey live in grasslands and need big open areas to run and hunt.
🐕 Cheetahs Act Like DogsThey wag their tails, purr when happy, and even play like pet dogs.
🍖 Cheetahs Eat Fresh MeatCheetahs don’t eat old meat, they hunt fresh food and eat it right away.

Animals Outline and Coloring Pictures

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